Some things are quite revealing. One of those things is social commentary. It is absolutely fascinating. Even more charming are the canvases where commentary is displayed specifically during isolation. Chalked on sidewalks and fences, suspended out of bedroom windows on large white sheets, painted on signs, and populating all the online social platforms.
Read MoreThe classic list of sins as we have come to know them today are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. They were deemed as deadly simply because they were viewed as an excess of good things.
Read MoreIt is an effort to localize language to what is actually going on by listening to the personal expressions of suffering.
Read MoreTherefore, a theology of mental health must recognize God as the Creator of human beings; and human beings continually need God to live according to His design in the world.
Read MoreSo, when we compare the first table with sinful men and the second table with the resurrected Christ, it becomes obvious that Christ really is the exemplar of all men.
Read MoreThere is a great deal left out of the gospel narrative concerning the first thirty years of Christ’ life.
Read MoreJesus is still attending dinners where he is invited. Guests and hosts alike still experience him.
Read MoreI believe every culture has a pervading orphaned sub-culture. I believe the primer to perfect theology is our Father.
Read MoreThe Bible is not like any other literature. For the Christian it is the living Word of God. Its truths have endured in any culture at any time.
Read MoreFramed in theology, the world is always a culture of feculence. Jesus has overcome it.
Read MoreAccording to MacDonald, human imagination is made in the image of the imagination of God. You too have this God-given ability.
Read MoreSocks were created in pairs. A sock is impractical, ineffective, and pointless without its partner. A single sock has no meaning. It does not belong in the world.
Read MoreIn the creation story, there is no epistemological process that explains how Adam came to know certain sounds, that when grouped together made words, and when placed with other words communicated something with meaning.
Read MoreThe Pentateuchal narrative may have numerous characters that experience odd situations compared to our own, but the ultimate protagonist of the narrative is God.
Read MoreThe first thing that can be learned about the Holy Spirit’s work in the artisan is that God highly values craftspeople and their crafts.
Read MoreEntering through the unseemly door of a 17th century pub I could not dismiss the sensation of walking through a wardrobe into an entirely different world.
Read MoreDid God supply the content and leave the literary forms to the writers? Because there is no literature without imagination, the Bible is an imaginative book. Gutsy, bold, audacious, and sometimes subtle imagination.
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